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Deal Flow Information Hub

Research: Deal Flow

Our dedicated research team have compiled all the resources you need to better understand the power of reputation for deal origination, investment sourcing, and deal flow generation.

Deal Flow Information Hub

The power of reputation to attract high-quality deal flow is clear in the data – our research shows that reputation often makes the difference.

We have always invested heavily in research. Generating deal flow is difficult, and investment decisions are too important to take on a hunch.

Podcast: Research – Boosting deal flow

In a special episode of our podcast, Jordan Greenaway and Luke Thompson discuss our latest research which shows that reputation boosts deal.

We are one of the only communications agency to have a dedicated research and insights team that regularly polls important stakeholders on the perceptions of high-net-worth individuals.

16 March 2021

Reputation attracts finance and talent

As the world continues to globalise, a greater number of investors are chasing the same investment capital and highly skilled pool of potential employees. Despite this, entrepreneurs and senior executives can leverage their personal reputations to attract finance and top talent. Read the full research note →

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31 January 2021

Reputation enhances deal flow

As private investment activity continues to increase, so does competition for the most lucrative deals. Building a strong reputation as a family office or private investor will give you an edge in accessing the most competitive investment deals. Read the full research →

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11 November 2020

Hiding is not an option

Faced with an increasingly digital world, executives, entrepreneurs, and high-net-worth individuals are now putting their reputations at risk by trying to avoid an online footprint. Read the full research →

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19 October 2020

Mind the gap

Faced with changing public expectations, successful individuals are judged more than ever by the ethical performance of their investments, opening themselves up to new risks and opportunities. Read the full research →

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It’s time. Find out more about the power of reputation.

Every person we work with needs a bespoke solution. Your needs are paramount and we shape our services to best meet your requirements.

Effective communication will give you the reputation you need to achieve your goals as well as circumvent the risks that plague successful families. To discuss taking control of your communications, fill out our contact form or contact us directly.

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Transmission Private publishes a monthly newsletter that tracks the future of reputation management for private clients.