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Meet the team: Aaron Hill

As part of our 'Meet the team' series, we sat down with Aaron to chat about his background, career progression, personal tidbits, and what he's learnt along the way.

meet the team aaron hill transmission private

Aaron Hill is an Executive at Transmission Private, specialising in digital communications, digital media, and managing online profiles. Prior to joining the agency in February, he finished his studies and graduated from the University of Liverpool with a BA in English and History. We sat down with Aaron to chat about his background, career progression, personal tidbits, and what he's learnt along the way.

Where are you from?

I’m from a seaside town called Bangor on the east coast of Northern Ireland.

How did you end up developing a career in PR?

I’ve always been fascinated by how people see the world. Where and how a person grew up, as well as their experiences in life, have a real effect on how they see every situation. That’s why PR is so interesting to me, because how something is presented can cause people to think about it very differently. Whether that’s a product, a service, or in our case, an individual. Reputation is malleable, and it’s fascinating how public relations specialists play a part in shaping it.

What do you enjoy most about the work that you do?

What’s most satisfying to me is when I’m able to take a step back and look at the big picture. From onboarding a new client, to completing our first project for them. When I can see the difference my work has made, it's definitely rewarding.

What is the most important PR & Media trend you see today?

The democratisation of the media has been a major seismic shift in the landscape over the last decade. Media conglomerates no longer have total monopolies over the news. For good or ill, word of mouth spreads stories like wildfire online, and people no longer need to tune into the six o’clock news or read the papers to find out information. There are more sources of news than ever before, which does have its pros and cons, but in general I think this trend leans toward the positive.

Where is your favourite place to be?

I love places of historical significance that are bustling with people. That’s why working in the City of London has been such a great experience. I’m not sure if walking past buildings that are hundreds of years old just to get a meal deal will ever stop feeling alien to me.

Whom do you admire most?

I always admire people who overcome insurmountable odds – people who succeed when it seems almost certain they would fail. The American abolitionist Frederick Douglass springs to mind. Not only did he manage to escape slavery at its height in the American South, but also went on to become a national leader in the abolitionist movement. If you haven’t read his autobiography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, then I would highly recommend it. 

Given my line of work, I’m also naturally drawn to stories of people who sway opinions. Whether that’s in politics, campaign groups or otherwise. Once someone’s mind is made up, it tends to stay that way, but plenty of influential figures throughout history have had the ability to change that.

What is your personal philosophy?

Always be open to learn. People tend to get stuck in their ways, especially if they’ve been doing something for years. This can lead many people in top positions to stagnate professionally. I think a fresh pair of eyes or a new perspective can be really valuable when trying to solve a problem. That’s why I always try to be open to new ideas or ways I can learn of doing things differently.

What advice do you have for someone interested in a career in PR?

Stay on top of the media. Read as many different perspectives and mediums as you can. This means print, broadcast, social media, blogs, and everything in between. I think empathy is an underrated trait in PR, so read things you disagree with and dissect them. Learn to understand different viewpoints and how other people think. 

If you understand how different people think, you can connect with any audience. It is so essential to be able to write in different tones, on different mediums and for different people. All of this will ensure you are able to communicate your message to as many people as possible, and will make you a more well-rounded professional.

Aaron Hill is an Executive at Transmission Private, specialising in digital communications, digital media, and managing online profiles.

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